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General settings

General settings are relevant to the operations of the pooler itself, or apply to all database pools.


The IP address of the local network interface PgDog will bind to listen for connections.


This setting cannot be changed at runtime.

Default: (all interfaces)


The TCP port PgDog will bind to listen for connections.

Default: 6432


This setting cannot be changed at runtime.


Number of Tokio threads to spawn at pooler startup. In multi-core systems, the recommended setting is two (2) per virtual CPU. The value 0 means to spawn no threads and use the current thread runtime (single-threaded). The latter option is better on IO-bound systems where multi-threading is not necessary and could even hamper performance.

Default: 0 (current thread runtime)


This setting cannot be changed at runtime.


Default maximum number of server connections per database pool. The pooler will not open more than this many PostgreSQL database connections when serving clients.

Default: 10


Default minimum number of connections per database pool to keep open at all times. Keeping some connections open minimizes cold start time when clients connect to the pooler for the first time.

Default: 1


Default pooler mode to use for database pools. See Transaction mode and session mode for more details on each mode.

Default: transaction



Path to the TLS certificate PgDog will use to setup TLS connections with clients. If none is provided, TLS will be disabled.

Default: none


This setting cannot be changed at runtime.


Path to the TLS private key PgDog will use to setup TLS connections with clients. If none is provided, TLS will be disabled.

Default: none


This setting cannot be changed at runtime.



Frequency of healthchecks performed by PgDog to ensure connections provided to clients from the pool are working.

Default: 30_000 (30s)


Frequency of healthchecks performed by PgDog on idle connections. This ensures the database is checked for health periodically when PgDog receives little to no client requests.

Default: 30_000 (30s)

Note on min_pool_size

Healthchecks try to use existing idle connections to validate the database is up and running. If there are no idle connections available, PgDog will create an ephemeral connection to perform the healthcheck. If you want to avoid this, make sure to have min_pool_size to be at least 1.


Delay running idle healthchecks at PgDog startup to give databases (and pools) time to spin up.

Default: 5_000 (5s)


These settings control how long PgDog waits for maintenance tasks to complete. These timeouts make sure PgDog can recover from abnormal conditions like hardware failure.


How long to allow for ROLLBACK queries to run on server connections with unfinished transactions. See transaction mode for more details.

Default: 5_000 (5s)


Connectionn pools blocked from serving traffic due to an error will be placed back into active rotation after this long. This ensures that servers don't stay blocked forever due to healthcheck false positives.

Default: 300_000 (5 minutes)


How long to wait for active clients to finish transactions when shutting down. This ensures that PgDog redeployments disrupt as few queries as possible.

Default: 60_000 (60s)

Load balancer


Which strategy to use for load balancing read queries. See load balancer for more details. Available options are:

  • random
  • least_active_connections
  • round_robin

Default: random