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SHOW POOLS is a command to show real time statistics on connection pools used to multiplex PgDog clients and PostgreSQL servers. For example:

admin=> \x
Expanded display is on.

admin=> SHOW POOLS;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---+--------------
host            |
port            | 5432
database        | pgdog
user            | pgdog
idle            | 1
active          | 0
total           | 1
clients_waiting | 0
paused          | f
banned          | f
errors          | 0
out_of_sync     | 0
-[ RECORD 2 ]---+--------------
host            |
port            | 5432
database        | pgdog
user            | pgdog_session
idle            | 1
active          | 0
total           | 1
clients_waiting | 0
paused          | f
banned          | f
errors          | 0
out_of_sync     | 0


Name Description
host IP address or DNS name of the PostgreSQL server.
port TCP port of the PostgreSQL server.
database Name of the PostgreSQL database.
user User used to connect to the database.
idle Number of idle server connections in the pool.
active Number of checked out (used) server connections in the pool.
total Total number of server connections in the pool.
clients_waiting Number of clients waiting for a connection from this pool.
paused The pool is paused and won't issue connections until resumed.
banned The pool is blocked from serving more clients.
errors Number of connections returned to the pool in a bad state, e.g. network connectivity broken.
out_of_sync Number of connections returned to the pool by clients that left it in a bad state, e.g. by issuing a query and not waiting for the result.