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Configuration overview

PgDog uses the TOML configuration language for its two configuration files: pgdog.toml and users.toml. Both are required for PgDog to run, but most settings are optional with sane defaults, so a basic PgDog deployment requires very little work to configure.

By default, PgDog looks for both configuration files in the current working directory. Alternatively, you can pass --config=<path> and --users=<path> arguments to PgDog on startup.

Hot reload

Most settings can be reloaded without restarting PgDog. This allows to tweak them at runtime without breaking client or server connections. For settings that require a restart, a note is added to the documentation.


To make things simpler, all units of time are in milliseconds. For example, if you want to set the pool checkout timeout to 5 seconds, convert it to 5000ms instead:

checkout_timeout = 5_000

Since PgDog uses TOML, both 5000 and 5_000 are valid numbers. Configuration will fail to load if non-integer values are used, e.g. "5s" or "53.5".


Name Description
General General pooler settings like host, port and various timeouts.
Databases PostgreSQL databases proxied by PgDog.
Plugins Plugins configuration.
Users List of users (with passwords) that are allowed to connect to PgDog.
Admin Admin database settings like admin password.