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Plugins in Rust

Writing PgDog plugins in Rust has first class support built into the pgdog-plugin crate. The crate acts as a bridge between plugins and PgDog internals, and provides safe methods for constructing C-compatible structs.

How it works

For plugins to be truly dynamic, they have to be compiled into shared libraries (.so on Linux, .dylib on Mac). This way you can load arbitrary plugins into PgDog at runtime without having to recompile it. Since Rust doesn't have a stable ABI, we have to use the only stable ABI available to all programming languages: C.


Rust has great bindings for using (and exposing) C-compatible functions. You can learn more about this by reading the std::ffi documentation and other great sources like The Embedded Rust Book1.

The pgdog-plugin crate contains C headers that define types and functions PgDog expects its plugins to use, with Rust bindings generated with bindgen.

Getting started

Create a new library crate with Cargo, like so:

cargo new --lib my_pgdog_plugin

Since plugins have to be C ABI compatible, you'll need to change the crate type to cdylib (C dynamic library). Edit your Cargo.toml and add the following:

crate-type = ["rlib", "cdylib"]

Add pgdog-plugin

To make building plugins easier, PgDog provides a crate that defines and implements the structs used by plugin functions.

Before proceeding, add this crate to your dependencies:

cargo add pgdog-plugin

Implement the API

The plugin API is pretty simple. For this tutorial, we'll implement the query routing function pgdog_route_query, which is called for the first query in every transaction PgDog receives.

This function has the following signature:

use pgdog_plugin::*;

pub extern "C" fn pgdog_route_query(input: Input) -> Output {

The Input structure contains the query PgDog received and the current state of the pooler configuration, like the number of shards, the number of replicas and their addresses, and other information which the plugin can use to determine where the query should go.

The plugin is expected to return an Output structure which contains its routing decision and any additional data the plugin wants PgDog to use, like an error it wants PgDog to return to the client instead, for example.

Both structures have Rust implementations which can help us avoid having to write C-like initialization code.

Parse the input

You can get the query PgDog received from the input structure like so:

if let Some(query) = input.query() {
  // Parse the query.

The query is a Rust string, so your routing algorithm can be as simple as:

let route = if query.starts_with("SELECT") {
  // Route this to any replica.
} else {
  // Send the query to a primary.

Both read_any and write_any are typically used in a single shard configuration and tell PgDog that the shard number is not important. PgDog will send the query to the first shard in the configuration.

Return the output

The Output structure contains the routing decision and any additional metadata. Since our plugin parsed the query and decided to forward this query to a database without modifications, the return value for Output should be:

return Output::forward(route)

Not all plugins have to make a routing decision. For example, if your plugin just wants to count how many queries of a certain type your database receives but doesn't care about routing, you can tell PgDog to skip your plugin's routing decision:

return Output::skip()

PgDog will ignore this output and pass the query to the next plugin in the chain.

Parsing query parameters

PostgreSQL protocol has two ways to send queries to the database: using the simple query method with the parameters included in the query text, and the extended protocol which sends parameters separately to prevent SQL injection attacks and allow for query re-use (prepared statements).

The extended protocol is widely used, so queries your plugins will see will typically look like this:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1

If your plugin is sharding requests based on a hash (or some other function) of the "users"."id" column, you need to see the value of $1 before your plugin can make a decision.

PgDog supports parsing the extended protocol and provides the full query text and parameters to its plugins. You can access a specific parameter by calling Query::parameter:

if let Some(id) = query.parameter(0) {
  // Parse the parameter.


PostgreSQL uses a lot of 1-based indexing, e.g. parameters and arrays start at 1. PgDog is more "rusty" and uses 0-based indexing. To access the first parameter in a query, index it by 0, not 1.

Parameters are encoded using PostgreSQL wire protocol, so they can be either UTF-8 text or binary. If they are text, which is often the case, you can access it like so:

if let Some(id) = id.as_str() {
  let id = id.parse::<i64>();

In the case of binary encoding, as_str() will return None and you can parse the binary encoding instead:

if let Ok(id) = id.as_bytes().try_into() {
  let id = i64::from_be_bytes(id);

While this may seem tedious at first, this provides the highest flexibility for parsing parameters. A plugin can use any kind of field for routing, e.g. cosine similarity of a vector column (to another), which requires parsing vector-encoded fields.


As the project evolves, I expect we'll add more helpers to the pgdog-plugin crate to help parse parameters automatically.

SQL parsers

Parsing SQL manually can be error-prone, and there are multiple great SQL parsers you can pick off the shelf. The pgdog-routing plugin which ships with PgDog uses, which in turn uses the internal PostgreSQL query parser. This ensures all valid PostgreSQL queries are recognized and parsed correctly.

Other SQL parsers in the Rust community include sqlparser which can parse many dialects, including other databases like MySQL, if you wanted to rewrite MySQL queries to PostgreSQL queries transparently for example.

Handling errors

Since plugins use the C ABI, PgDog is not able to catch panics inside plugins. Therefore, if a plugin panics, this will cause an abort and shutdown the pooler.

The vast majority of the Rust standard library and crates avoid panicking and return errors instead. Plugin code must check for error conditions and handle them internally. Notably, don't use unwrap() on Option or Result types and handle each case instead.


Better error handling is on the roadmap, e.g. by using macros that wrap plugin code into a panic handler. That being said, since plugins do expose extern "C" functions, this limitation should be explicitely stated to plugin authors.

Learn more

PgDog plugins are in their infancy and many more features will be added over time. For now, the API is pretty bare bones but can already do useful things. Our bundled plugin we use for routing is called pgdog-routing and it can be used as the basis for your plugin development.